Friday 19 February 2010


'the challenge for business leaders in the 21st century is to assume the mantle of spiritual elder for their cultures, so that life doesn't become trivial and grey for all the people who spend most of their life at work' - jim channon
certainly no dull moments at poppies.

Thursday 18 February 2010

mummy look at my wegs

new chairs for the studio= delight in a box for charlie and tilly.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

this is perfect

I look at these flowers, and i must must must make something with those colours. maybe some writing paper or a spring card. jill thomas again. xx

the orchard

we moved out of our orchard house almost a year ago now. i dreamt i still lived there for months and months. I saw these photos yesterday and it made me think of home. it also made me think of inspiration- and what inspires me- what I steal from! I thought i'd share the pics, and i'll keep sharing. I have a folder on my computer that I drop things into to look at when I am starting a new project. do you do that? it works rather well to open it up and look at what you've collected over the weeks. Certain things always stand out to me, like a colour that links everything together. It reminds me of going hunting as a child- collecting all sorts of treasure- coloured feathers and discarded things. so here is my treasure for the day. When I look at the picture of the table I can't help but imagine what I'd add to it-and thus the process has begun.The wonderful photographer is called Jill Thomas

Monday 8 February 2010

when three became four

forgot to mention sara had her little babe in december- sweet finely. how funny that we all have boys, I was so certain of girls. girls like pictures of flowers and birdies. charlie likes me to draw him bikes and trains. he also likes to be incredibly loud and 'crash' all day long. ohh the love.

Friday 5 February 2010

life is no brief candle but a splendid torch

soooo the book i'm reading. i take notes. thats how much it is shaping me. it is wonderfully empowering. it is full of quotes like this: 'it is high time the ideal of success should be replaced with the ideal of service'- Albert Einstein. to serve- what a word for this day, when it is so easy to be all about me. I will aspire to get there. to live a good life. here are a few sentences i scribbled out madly- 'to actively do good'. 'work that fulfills us'. 'building communities based on interdependence and co-operation'. 'nurturing relationships that breathe passion into our lives'. 'compassion count as much as cashflow'. 'life is no brief candle. but a splendid torch'. 'everything we do matters'. everything we do matters makes my heart beat faster, we can live big lives- pouring ourselves out for the greater good. for community, for an end to poverty and we can do it in a way that is truly us. listen to this:
'any idea you have is like an extension of your personality and any company that you build yourself has your thumbprint on it. It's an extension of yourself. It is your alter ego'- Anita Roddick how enlivening is that! shy lani can make pretty stationery and it be full of the things that make me me. and it may just become large and successful and i can choose to continue to be me in that- by actively doing good and standing up for things that matter. like women. like small businesses, communities and creativity. like children, mothers and the importance of education and a full tummy. I feel very much alive today.