is it just me or does each issue get better and better. I adore it, a cup of tea, short bread bikkies, feet up and mag in hand. the november issue has the most perfect recipe 'warm roasted vegetable salad with couscous'. So good I've been making it every week, I like adding green olives and slices of chili salami to mine. Anyway this Christmas issue has a few poppies things featured. One being our lolly bags. Clair- such a talent stylist and beautiful woman has used some of our camellia sweets and isobel treats with red letters and christmas pegs. way to turn a simple bag into a work of art. She is amazing. sooooooooo incase there is any confusion we don't have Christmas themed lolly bags exactly!
Another feature is some home made envelopes, I'm certainly not the first to use children's book illustrations for envelope making, but I am still thrilled they made it into the pages. It is such a simple way to get crafting, so go on, run down to your local opp shop and see what you can find. The envelopes look oh so good on a gift wrapped in brown paper. If you can't bear to rip the pages out (like me) scan the image in and print out a copy.
xx alana
ps. isobel turned 3 yesterday. happy birthday dear sweet isobel. and yes, you are right you can go to ballet class now.